Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Summary

Good morning, Max! I hope your first two days of school (and everyone else's) have been fulfilling. This summer, a lot of our friends were out and about -- vacations, Summer Field Studies, IU Honors -- so very few people were able to follow our blog consistently over the past few months.

Today, I'm going to make it easier on everyone by summarizing what happened on TPA over the summer. Personally, I think that everyone should go back and read every single post, but since that's not realistic, here's a basic outline:

On May 22nd, Max and I agreed upon and posted the official rules of the TPA (short for "Two Planes in the Asymptote") which restricted our textual communication. We fell into a few routines -- Question Monday, Top Ten Tuesday, and weekly polls starting on Saturdays -- and at one point, Max posted the weirdest poll of my life about apples which inspired this short story.

Anyway, I went to Orlando for Harry Potter, and shortly after I came back, I commented on Max's Facebook status right before his birthday (a violation of the official rules), and he made me sing a song he wrote as my punishment. In a bonus post, I sang that song.

I went to Ball State for a jazz camp, came back on a crazy day of awesomeness, and told people five things I like -- here are three of themMax followed suit. Later, Max would attend his own camp at Ball State and share his thoughts.

In early July, Max and I played Bananagrams in an official challenge. Max lost -- though he fought valiantly -- and I made him write embarrassing stories about himself without the letter "i." Max later polled TPA followers to see what Top Ten Tuesday they wanted him to do, and they chose the top ten things Max doesn't want to blog about. Then, he got glasses and I got excited.

I haven't broken any other rules yet, but I have been distressed about not being able to Facebook with Max. I knew, however, that school would be starting soon. After I went to band camp, we both went to freshman orientation, and before I knew it, we were seniors.

That's where we are now. Max and I might do a QWOP-related double punishment soon, basically for fun. Long live TPA and the TPA Book Club! See you tomorrow, Max (and now when I say this, I actually mean that I'll see your FACE and not just your post).


  1. The apple story! I remember that. Good times.

    I should click the links.

  2. The apple story was one of my favorites.

  3. "This is a happy, summer-y song."
    "What does it summarize?"
