Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"That's what QWOP does to you. It makes you a bad person."

When I said "Five of My Favorite Movies," meant "Four of My Favorite Movies." I think I was going back and forth inside my head about how many movies I should list as I wrote that post. I'm glad I settled on four.

Well, I'm taking a break from reading Never Let Me Go for a few minutes so I can do this blog. I think I'm going to draw out typing this post because this book isn't as enticing as Brave New World was. Draaawwwiiiinnnngggg iiiitttt oooouuuuutttttttt.

All right, it's time for some news on this whole double punishment situation. Is everybody ready?

Yesterday, I got this text from Max:
"Our punishment should be to play QWOP until we reach 10 meters forward or back..."
That's a good start; it really is. But I think the goal should be higher. I've exceeded 15 meters before.

I think we should sit in the same room, each with a separate computer, and do nothing but play QWOP until one of us reaches 25 meters. We can share tips with each other like a team-building exercise. We'll have bonded so much by the end that it will have been a positive experience, but we'll also hate QWOP so much that it will have been a punishing punishment!

By the way, the title of this post is a quote from when Hank Green played QWOP on his gaming channel on YouTube. That was a very nerdy sentence.

Speaking of Hank Green, I've had this song stuck in my head for at least twenty-four hours now:

It's just so catchy! Very few songs make me want to dance.

Also, Max, no, I don't want to go the the petting zoo. I'm already wary of the regular zoo; it would take some convincing just to get me there, and it would take much more convincing to get me to walk around outside. I like the aquariums!

Until tomorrow, Max.


  1. I once got 100 meters in QWOP, but he was scooting forward in a genuflecting position the entire time, so I don't think it counts.

    Also, you should videotape it, vlogbrothers style.

  2. Schadenfreude is happening a little bit right now. Sorry about your luck.
