Thursday, August 4, 2011

It would mostly be fun.

The punishment, that is. We could just do Brave New World, since we've already read it and we know that most of our friends had to read it, too. Then we can put on a puppet show about Brave New World. Maybe the puppets can sing songs about soma. It would be great, I promise!

Max, I'm nooot sure if you know about xkcd, but hopefully I'm doing somebody a favor by introducing it in my blog post today. (By the way, "today" -- it's pretty late, huh? I bet you thought I wasn't going to post, huh? Ha.) xkcd is a website of webcomics, which is not a word according to my spell check, but I'm going to use it anyway.

Everybody's watched The Magic School Bus, right? You probably want to click on these to make them bigger.

This is kind of how I feel about google+, but I'm probably going to join anyway:

And finally, I thought for a long time that my stance on cell phones and cancer was that cell phones don't cause cancer. (By the way, you can totally take stances on things even if you really don't know anything about them; it's all the rage, these days.) But now my stance is this:

Max, thanks for your post about shark week. I enjoyed your disclaimers. I hope somebody gained something from my post tonight, as well. I'm going to listen to "Nerdfighteria Island" because it's stuck in my head, and then I'm going to go to sleep because I'm tired.


  1. I must admit, I was starting to think a single punishment would be occurring soon.

  2. 'member when... you'restiiiiillawake! Haha. Um. Sorry.
