Wednesday, June 1, 2011

For Those with Short Attention Spans

Today's post comes to you in five parts!

Part One: Dear Max

I see a phoenix, a baby gerbil, and a very small Y to the right of your huge sideways X.

My picture in Monday's post was of Tom Lehrer.

You can write picture captions if you want, but I think they should be included in the word count -- I'm not a big fan of using captions, though.1

Also, have you been following our socks/pants poll? It's amazingly close; I didn't realize that so many people (including you) put their pants on before their socks. I hope this doesn't create factions.

Part Two: Bananagrams

Bananagrams is an incredible game. In addition to being super fun, Bananagrams is a fascinating lens through which we can peer into people's true characters. For example, here is a portion of my recent Bananagrams game. What do you think it says about me?

Part Three: Let's Make Fun of Instruments

Max, I know you don't know a whole lot about musical instruments, so I'm going to take a few moments to pass on some of my knowledge to you. For starters, let me explain to you the difference between a violin and a viola. Most people think that violins are smaller than violas, but that's not really true -- violinists' heads are just bigger than violists' heads. How about this -- can you tell when a violist is playing out of tune? It's when the bow is moving.

Oh, and do you know what the difference is between a trumpet and a horse's butt? I don't know, either. Maybe our commenters can tell us.

Part Four: An Idea

I think that we should film ourselves doing things and then speed up the videos.

Part Five: An Experiment

I'm testing something new on Blogger; apparently, we can type up a post and schedule to have it posted on a certain day and time. This could render the second half of our first TPA rule moot. If this post is automatically up at 5:00 PM today, then it worked.

Happy June!

1Footnotes, on the other hand, are awesome.


  1. It worked!

    Severus Snape is a butt trumpet.

    I dislike math, but you do not; that is what I think when I look at your most recent Bananagrams game. You should switch to Harry Potter Banangrams. It is much more satisfying.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree about bananagrams. That is all we did during announcements this year in Frau's room. 'Tis a shame you left for lunch during that time for you could've joined our games :'(

  3. ...ouch Bryan. Make fun of the strings, and boy you got something. However due to your trumpet joke, I think you might regret it
