Sunday, May 29, 2011

"Wordplay" - Jason Mraz

Okay, Bryan, I accept the TPA initialism, but that picture is stupid.  I decided that my posts will all have a song I love that relates to the topic discussed as the title, but no promises as to how long that will last, because I am lazy.

Therefore, here is my introduction to our followers, as you have instructed.  It is a montage of all my nicknames along with how you can use them in a sentence!  How cool is that?  Just a forewarning, I do not follow grammar rules and use “…” instead of commas sometimes most of the time.

·         Max – 628 is the max number of words I can have in this post so I will make this sentence short.
·         Maximilian – “How many followers should we have as our goal, Max?” “A million!”
·         MaxwellMax, well, in case you have not heard, he is kind of a big deal.
·         Maximus – Some people call me Max… imus.
·         Maxy – I do not really know how to spell Maxy.
·         Smacky – If I was a pirate, then I would smack ye’ ole booty!
·         Smackers – If a girl smacks my face, then I will smack hers.
·         Smac-a-roni – No, nobody wants mac-a-roni and cheese, mom!
·         Slacks – One time, I wore slacks.
·         Slacks Daddy – Can I wear slacks, daddy?
·         Baby – Here is a quote from when I was little, “I’m not Max; I’m baby.”  Apparently, I got confused when all the grownups wanted to hold the baby.
·         Wax Paper – I wrote this out on wax paper before I typed it up.
·         Maxi Pad – What should I put my mouse on, Maxi?  Pads of mice.  ß Nice save, huh?

Everyone can feel free to call me any of these, though I prefer not the latter of the list.  I will respond to all of these, though I do not know why I respond to the majority of them.

Okay, so a little about me?

·         I do not eat pizza unless it is white.  Call me a racist, but I do not like tomato.
·         I cannot swim.  Well that is.  I can tread water though!
·         Assuming I am decently average, I have 100,000 hairs on my head.  My eyes weigh about one ounce, and they have not grown since birth.  I would die in ten days without sleep.  I produce 1.43 pints of sweat a day.  I speak 4,800 words a day.  I also breathe 438 cubic feet of air a day.
·         I enjoy quoting random facts from other websites.
·         Bullet points make me feel special.
·         My favorite color is orange.  My favorite color duo is orange and blue.  My favorite color trio is white, black and red.
·         My AP style of writing tells me to down style all of my titles and have no comma before the “and” in a list of three or more objects.
·         I have two eyes, hands, thumbs, feet, legs, noses and ears.
·         I just told a lie.
·         In response to the current poll, socks are actually the last thing I put on.  Except I suppose shoes would be truly last?

Okay, and while Jacob is on Summer Fields Studies and you are at home playing music, Benjamin will be with Jacob.  Because of this unfortunate mishap of them having this urge to be with trees, I too need to find a back up punishment person.

In addition, I thought everyone should know that Bryan and I decided that polls would be set every Saturday by whoever is posting that day.  They will naturally last for one week and the other poster will share the results.


  1. Smackers, I can't believe you would fall into such errors as not including a comma before the "and" of a list. Such neglect is careless, pretentious, and foolish (hey look, a list!).

    In all seriousness though, I am probably way too excited about this blog. Bonus points if you guys include occasional videorecordings of yourselves a la Brotherhood 2.0.

  2. mmmmyyyyy favorite color is orange as well. I approve

  3. I do not approve. I prefer purple in all shades. And... I find it awkward that your favorite color trio is the color trio for Center Grove.... traitor much? :P
