Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Rant Continues

My first order of business is to empathize with Max. Allergies are not particularly fun. They're not the worst thing in the world -- I would take allergies over a cold any day -- but they're just horribly inconvenient.

To prove my point, I'm going to list all of the things that I wouldn't have done today if it hadn't been for my allergies:
  • First, I checked weather.com to see that the pollen count was extremely high (as it has been pretty much every day recently), and then I spend a few seconds being disappointed about that.
  • I had to take my allergy medicine, which not only takes a few seconds out of every morning but also takes a few cents out of my family's budget.
  • I left for school five or ten minutes later than I usually would due to allergy issues.
  • I would estimate that I used between fifteen and twenty tissues in all today.
  • After I did my homework for a couple hours secluded in my room where pollen should not be present, I sneezed a few times and had to blow my nose. That was the most recent tissue.
  • I'm blogging about my allergies.
The worst part is that allergies don't. Make. Any. Sense.

Max, I'll try to remember to use sunscreen during allergy season.

It looks like my punishment is going to be rewriting song lyrics to praising-Max-lyrics and then performing that song for Max, but it's not official yet and I don't know if Max is going to wait for the poll to close.

But speaking of doing things with songs, I want to do something. Vague statements are vague. If I would arrange any song for pep band to play, what should it be? I've wanted to do this for a long time. Perhaps a popular song on the radio? Or "Never Gonna Give You Up"? Maybe "Shake-a-Booty"? Maxandotherpeople, I want suggestions.

Until next time, Max: use hanisizer/hanitizer1 after you blow your nose.

1"Hand sanitizer" either way, depending on your little kid dialect.

1 comment:

  1. ...Baby One More Time.

    Just kidding.


    Heh =D
