Bryan, the only thing that came to mind when I was reading your story other than, “Dishwasher? Really Bryan?” was, “Why have you not told them about this blog!” Anyways, I found this story to be quite captivating, if you will.
To everyone, I am deeply apologetic that you did not like my blog post yesterday. Honestly, I was just not in the mood to blog yesterday and I really dropped the ball on you guys. You guys come to read our blog every day and all you got was “oh em gee, colors are pretty!”
Anyways, since I have 23-ish more of those (math check: (52/2)-3); alright we are good), I feel like everyone should give me some ideas. For my next one, I am thinking one of three things: Top Ten… random facts (such as Washington not being the first president), strange laws (such as “No whale hunting in Oklahoma. I suggest our geography challenged readers to see a map for the humor in that.), or things I do not want to make a list for (such as Harry Potter or dog breeds). Since it will be my poll next and we have two weeks to think of something, I will make that the poll, along with any other suggestions I receive. Remember, we cannot get rid of all the good topics this early guys! It is only almost July.
Also, I appreciate the shout out to Sam Tsui, but I think the next time you give him a shout out, we should give some other great cover artists one too. I will add that to my repertoire (spell check for the win?) of possible ideas for Top Ten Tuesdays.
Bryan, not to go off of my sappy apology letter, but I must ask that you further fact check your… well, facts. Calling “live long, and prosper” Vulcan words of encouragement is like calling a panda a bear. Pandas are not bears, they are unclassified specimens who have six fingers per paw and do not hibernate more closely related to raccoons (or if Sofia reads this, Jeffreys). “Live long, and prosper” was the common greeting of Spock, who was merely half-Vulcan. Note: I still do not know what a Vulcan is. Never saw the movie.
Anyone who has been reading my latest Facebook status updates would note satirical nature of them. I have been quoting one of my new favorite songs. Bryan, we must make a song similar to it “auf Deutsche” (in German) for our first quarter project. I feel like it would be fun to film and think of ideas for! I ended that with a preposition, sorry!
Quick pencil math is showing me to have the words left to show the video, but I do not know if my closing would still fit… drats! For the first time thus far, I may actually have to cut part of my post, but it is so good!
Oh yeah, sorry! Just got really distracted watching Youtube clips of One Direction off of The X-Factor. I really do not know why. I have never actually seen that show, good talent though.
Anyways, the song I have been quoting is Underpants goes inside the Pants by Lazy Boy. Also, I would recommend their song Facts of Life. Great song. Strange facts chosen though.
Well, I suppose that this post has rambled on long enough.
Checks word count – got another fifty words to play with. I did it again.
I suppose that this is the end of my post.
Until tomorrow Bryan, I hope you practice your Jazz hands.
P.S. That’s what she said.